...aaand, we're back.
This week brings us to our next installment in this (sorta) weekly column. Back at Wizardworld Chicago '08, when this book just got underway I was digging into my brain for characters I needed to have in this book. Initially, I had another artist in mind for this character, but the trouble was, realistically, the price for sketches. Captain N is such a simple character to draw, given that he looks like a regular kid and only wears a Letterman jacket with a "N" on it. I'm not against paying for sketches but, I really want to get a bang for my buck, and a more visually interesting character would be more worthwhile to pay a chunk for.
Thanks to my friend Dave, I soon learned that comic legend Geoff Darrow was at this show and is also a super-nice guy. He was doing sketches to raise funds for a charity and invited anyone who walked up to his table. Darrow is a huge comic legend and incredibly talented, so adding a good cause to the mix, made this even more of a no-brainer for me to add him to the book. As with a few of the characters I choose for this book, Captain N was a little obscure to Geoff, but he did happen to remember the production company that produced the show, called DIC (that was also the reason he included it in his signature).
We had a good chat and literally as soon as Geoff drew the trademark "N" on the jacket, I had the biggest grin on my face.
This book is all about fun, and features tremendous talent, and it was a pleasure to have Mr. Darrow be a part of it.